January 2016

Goodbye gif

prettyhandsome studios goodbye

prettyhandsome studios goodbye to camden palace cork gif

Goodbye gif

Your probably all sick of us saying goodbye by now and are in fact delighted we’re gone.

Anyway I had some free time while sitting on the balcony of our beach hut in Vietnam overlooking the ocean and decided to put together this little gif.

It features PrettyHandsomes final moments in our old studio in Camden Palace Cork.

Enjoy and Stay Pretty

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Be more God

This is Ken, ken is dog, dog is God spelt backwards Ken is a god. Be like Ken be more god

This is Ken, ken is dog, dog is God spelt backwards Ken is a God. Be like Ken be more God.


Instagram filter used: Gingham

Photo taken at: Hội An

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PrettyHandsome Studio have left our home!

PrettyHandsome Studio have left our home of and are deeply saddened by its loss in cork. But along comes new adventures and with that we make our way to New Zealand via south east Asia for a year of ideas & inspiration. This means unfortunately our screen printing business is on hold but we'll still be available for design work if you wish to contact us, also keep up to date with us through our website and Facebook

PrettyHandsome Studio have left our home!

PrettyHandsome Studio have left our home! of Camden Palace Hotel and are deeply saddened by its loss in cork.

But along comes new adventures and with that we make our way to New Zealand via south east Asia for a year of ideas & inspiration.

This means unfortunately our screen printing business is on hold but we’ll still be available for design work if you wish to contact us, also keep up to date with us through our website and Facebook

Photo taken at: Camden Palace Hotel Community Arts Centre

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PrettyHandsome hits the high seas

And so we bid fairwell to Cork and hit the road for a year of adventure in the southern hemisphere. With no fixed abode we shall be putting our screenprinting ventures to the side for a while but that does not mean an end to us . NO NO! We will bombarding this blog with the best of creative funs and frolics. From zines and sketches to photos and verbal streams of consciousness, ye will not see the end of Handsome Hanley and Billyboy browne.

***Our first project will entail posting a weekly postcard to a different address in the homeland. If you wish to avail of this visual and verbal nonsense please message us on facebook with your deets (ie. address)

Disclaimer: postcard may not be sent out in time promised. Address will not be used for illegal pyramid schemes. Image on postcard may be hand drawn penis or other. Entertainment guaranteed.


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