
Goodbye gif

prettyhandsome studios goodbye

prettyhandsome studios goodbye to camden palace cork gif

Goodbye gif

Your probably all sick of us saying goodbye by now and are in fact delighted we’re gone.

Anyway I had some free time while sitting on the balcony of our beach hut in Vietnam overlooking the ocean and decided to put together this little gif.

It features PrettyHandsomes final moments in our old studio in Camden Palace Cork.

Enjoy and Stay Pretty

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De ne ne ne de ne ne ne BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

De ne ne ne de ne ne ne BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#prettyhandsomestudio #prettyhandsome #screenprinting #tshirts #scrennprinttshirts #batman #cork #comics #dccomics #adamwest #adamwestbatman #design #graphicdesign

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